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opencanvas 6 does not run

タイトル opencanvas 6 does not run(ID:2105 )
進捗 質問中
更新日 2023-01-30 14:52:31
カテゴリ 不具合報告
  • 製品名: openCanvas ver6.2.12 ( Latest )
  • OS:Windows 10 - 64bit( 製品サポートOS )
  • RAM:4.00G~
  • タブレット:利用していない ( マウス )
詳細 I downloaded Open Canvas 6 from Steam.
However, even if I run the icon, the program does not open.
Even after uninstalling and rebooting and installing, it doesn\'t work.
I\'ve attached a few lines from the application log from the windows event log.
See logs from around 01/24/2023 at 1:56.
I love this app and I really want to use it.
Please let me know if there is any more information I need to share to resolve this issue.
添付ファイル 非公開

opencanvas 6 does not run」へのレスポンス&情報共有 ( 1 )

運営/開発者より ID : 3383 / 名前 : Support / 2023-01-25 12:06:37
This is
Thank you for the inquiry.

Please try the following:

- Run as administrator
1. Run Steam Client.
2. Go to "LIBRARY" page in Steam Client.
3. Right-click on "openCanvas 6" at the left side of the [LIBRARY] page.
4. Click on "Properties..." at the bottom of the popped up menu.
5. Click on the \"LOCAL FILES\" tab in the dialog box.
6. Click on "Browes...".
7. Right-click on "oC6.exe" file.
8. Select \"Run as administrator\" from pop-up menu.

- Verify integrity of software files
1. Run Steam Client.
2. Go to "LIBRARY" page in Steam Client.
3. Right-click on "openCanvas 6" at the left side of the [LIBRARY] page.
4. Click on "Properties..." at the bottom of the popped up menu.
5. Click on the "LOCAL FILES" tab in the dialog box.
6. Click on "Verify integrity of software files...".

- Disconnect the pen tablet and run

Best regards,


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